38th Infantry Brigade Mesopotamia 1917 R.F.A. 38th Infantry Brigade Mesopotamia 1917 R.F.A. 38th Infantry Brigade Mesopotamia 1917 R.F.A. 38th Infantry Brigade Mesopotamia 1917 R.F.A. 38th Infantry Brigade Mesopotamia 1917 R.F.A.

38th Infantry Brigade Mesopotamia 1917 R.F.A.

Collection brought back from Mesopotamia by Lieutenant E.V.A Battrick R.F.A. Including documents, Turkish fuse and 1st. patt/type 1909 ' Asakir- I Sahane ' belt buckle.
For sale to the United Kingdom only. BACS only. Postage included in the price.
More 38th Infantry Brigade items including battle Operation Orders for 1917 to come. All need research.

Code: 50182
